Message from the Founder
Modern communication is all about telling stories.
It is not about the exchange of information. We are already overwhelmed, all suffering from infoxication, infobesity or information anxiety, as they like to call it.
Every minute of the day we watch
YT videos.
Every minute of the day we send
Every day of the year we google
3.5 billions
Every minute of the day we upload
photos on Instagram
So, enough of that! Instead of more data, I will share with you one story:
In one of Aesop’s fables, the wind and the sun had a dispute over who was the stronger of the two.
Seeing a traveler walking down the road, they decided to settle the issue by trying to make the traveler take off his coat. The wind went first, but the harder the wind blew, the tighter the traveler wrapped his coat around him.
Then the sun came out and began to shine. Soon the traveler felt the sun’s warmth and took off his coat. The sun had won.
You can’t force your way into the one’s mind.
The harder you want to sell – the harder the wind blows and the harder people resists the sales message.
PR is the sun! You can’t force the media to run your message. It’s entirely in their hands. All you can do is make your story desirable for them to write about. And even more important, make it relevant – not just to your company but to your consumers.
You are not selling a couch – you are giving someone an opportunity to relax or to spend time with their families. You are not selling glasses – you are selling attitude, new point of view, instead of chocolate – a smell of childhood …